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"Lives are changed because of the support of donors like you!"

Our Mission is Clear.

Since 1980 the number of female prison incarcerations has increased more than 900%. Upon release, a stark reality becomes apparent as drug overdose emerges as the leading cause of death among both men and women, with women showing a significantly higher risk than men of succumbing to such a fate in a group that is already 12.7x more likely to die of a drug overdose than the standard population¹

In 2023, the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) revealed amid the national fentanyl epidemic that 7 out of 10 counterfeit pills they seize contain a lethal dose of fentanyl², an increase from 4 out of 10 just two years prior. These facts alone make it clear that our mission is now more critical than ever and its lifesaving impact has never been more pronounced. 

This is Living Ministries is on a mission to restore these women through the transformative power of the Gospel giving them the skills necessary to reenter society free from the effects of trauma and free from life-controlling issues such as addiction, allowing them to fulfill the purpose God has for their lives. Our phased program takes a holistic approach providing the ladies with a solid Biblical foundation immersing them in prayer, worship, and God's word while providing valuable life skills and reentry skills training resulting in a
16.7% recidivism rate among program graduates, meaning over 80% of the women who graduate our program do not return to incarceration. This is compared to a statewide rate of 29.6% and a national rate of over 50%. What does this all mean? This means that our program not only works, it also saves lives. 

Check out our one-pager or click the button below to learn more about us and how you can partner with us to join the fight. 

Our Goal, Vision & Commitment

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There are many ways that you can partner with us in the fight to deliver these ladies from the hands of the enemy, Click "Get Involved" to learn the ways.

Book a Service

If you are a pastor or organization and would like to book a speaking event, please use the button below to book a service. 

Help turn a life around with Love 360!

Love 360 is our recurring donation campaig where givers can choose a monthly recurring giving amount for one year. You are able to choose the day as well! It is very flexible. Just $30/month is enough to help a student, and $30 x 12 = 360, a life turned around. To learn more, please visit: 

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 All Rights Reserved. © 2024 This is Living Ministries, Inc. 


Mailing Address:

P.O. Box 3756

Cookeville, TN 38502

Phone: 931-854-1122

Registered Charity: 82-0832575


State of Tennessee Credentials

Parole-Approved Transitional House, TN Dept of Correction
Recovery Congregation, Office of Faith-Based Initiatives
Addiction Recovery Program Provider, TDMHSAS

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