God is not unjust; he will not forget your work and the love you have shown him as you have helped his people and continue to help them.
Hebrews 6:10
Your gift of $200/month to sponsor a student at TILM will play a large role in transforming a life. You will be contributing to all the daily requirements – counseling, basic necessities (clothing, food, identifications) that the student needs, the staff who support the student each day, curriculum and classroom materials, and the facility itself.
As a sponsor, you will receive:
The students name on a prayer card so you can pray for them
Your students's graduate story, if they chooses to share it publicly
An invitation to tour our program with other sponsors
NOTE: The TILM program lasts approximately twelve to eighteen months. You will receive a new name every twelve months to pray for. Your first scheduled donation will process immediately and will be scheduled monthly/yearly on the date of your first donation.