This is Living Ministries
A Christ-Centered Reentry Program for Women
LOVE 360

Love 360 Champions give $30/month!
($30 x 12 months = 360 - A life turned completely around.)
Time and time again, we see in Scripture that God's love completely turns a life around! When you think about the nature of God's love and His absolute authority over all creation, we can see that God has chosen each one of us as His most important tool to spread salvation and therefore His love to the world. God has called each one of us to be disciples and to disciple others, using each of us to show His love. Jesus said, "They will know you are My disciples by the way you love one another." Our Love 360 champions campaign is an amazing way to do this.
What is Love 360?
By signing up below as a Love 360 champion to make a recurring donation of $30 a month, you become instrumental in turning a life around by facilitating the transforming power of the Holy Spirit that sets these ladies free.
Our guiding principles are based on the relentless love of God. It is our prayer that students who walk into our program will feel His great love the moment they walk through the door. The Bible says, "God demonstrated His own love toward us in this, that while we were yet sinners Christ died for us." We want our ladies to understand that God meets you where you are, and He raises you up to where you need to be.
When you look closer, you will see that it is in the name:
($30 x 12 months = 360 - A life turned completely around.)
Becoming a Love 360 Champion gives you the opportunity to meet a woman at the door and provide the training and basic needs that will set her on her path to healing from the effects of trauma, addiction, and incarceration. You also get to share how you are making a difference with others and invite them to join you and God's team of champions! The more disciples that join the more lives we are able to impact and build larger the Kingdom of Christ!
Recent research indicates that drug overdose is the leading cause of death after release from prison. Individuals are 40x more likely to die of a drug overdose within the first two weeks of release from prison than the standard population. Women are 12.7x more likely than men in this population to do so and are the highest risk group.
We only project that this number has drastically increased as the Drug Enforcement Agency has recently revealed that 7 out of 10 counterfeit pills seized in 2023 contained a lethal dose of fentanyl. This is an increase from 6 out of 10 the year before and 4 out of 10 the year before. This makes our mission more critical than ever to break the chains of addiction through the power of the Holy Spirit in these ladies. Individuals within the first two weeks of release from prison are 12.7x more likely to die of a drug overdose. This is in a group that is 40x more likely to die of an overdose than the standard population. This makes our mission more critical than ever, so we ask you to Join our Love 360 program and help turn a life around.
Are You Ready to Turn A Life Around? Here is the Next Step.
To begin as a Love 360 champion, please click the button below. Watch this short video for more information about This is Living Ministries, do not forget to download the toolkit provided below to share this opportunity with your community, family, and friends.
Love 360 Champions Benefits
As a Love 360 member, not only will you help transform lives, you will also enjoy the following benefits:
*Choose one of our t-shirt designs! We usually have 4 or 5 designs to choose from each year!
*Receive a FREE annual registration to one of our TILM events! This includes your choice of any event: Love 5k, Annual Banquet, or any Strength Over Difficulty Vendor Event.
*Participate in the opportunity to share encouragement with TILM residents! Send in encouraging messages to be displayed in our women's den. Please keep each message to one photo and a small paragraph. Email your message and/or photo to volunteer@thisislivingministries.org.
*You may also request an encouragement stick. TILM residents go through a study called "Keys to Freedom" by Mercy Multiplied. During this study, the women learn what roots & lies that they have believed. The ladies write down the lies on a stick and add them to our "freedom cross". This symbolizes their choice to lay these lies down at the feet of Jesus. Lies must surrender to our Savior. We have another cross that we fill with the truth (that's where you come in!) This "Love Cross" will give the women God's truth to replace the lies!
Our students are so encouraged and inspired when they receive these notes and new Love sticks!